
Bharat Kashyap

Internship with Desert Moon Steel Trading

What has been the main highlights for you during the internship?

The main highlight has been I have worked in the office alongside many people, some were employees and some were contractors. I have learnt how they operate and I have learnt to communicate with different people. The company I trained with had me participate in many customer services such as face to face communication and telephone calls. Interaction with other firms in the same sector such as Tiger Steel and many more.

How did it impact on your education?

In reference to my business studies knowledge I have learnt about cash flow in and out of a business, the ledgers of accounts and how to print them, the costs of raw materials and which ones have been utilized, debit and credit arrangements, asset management and liabilities of DMST. It helped me to see how business works in the real world and not just in the classroom.

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