
Tiago Grillo

Internship with Mirai

What’s one thing you have gained which you wouldn’t have without this opportunity?

By interning at Mirai I have had the opportunity to gain a perspective of the real business world. For example, networking and attending conferences such as STEP where I was able to talk with different start-ups from different industries has really opened my eyes as I was able to interact with so many different people.

What has been the main highlights for you so far?

The main highlight for me so far was having the opportunity to be present in client meetings where I was able to give my point of view on different issues. For example, a few weeks back, I was at a meeting with a facilities management company where we were disusing on how to digitize learning & development programs for their staff.

I also took part in a meeting with First Point School on the matter of digitizing learning for the students during the 4 weeks off due to COVID-19, here I was able to give some student voice on the situation. These are my highlights as this is more of the consulting work of the internship which is actually what I want to pursue after I finish University.

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