Support, guidance and advice on e-safety for students and parents

Welcome to the FPS E-Safety page

The information on this page will support parents, students and the community to develop their knowledge of local laws and how to stay safe online. Short videos and resources will provide appropriate guidance which will involve students, teachers, parents and industry professionals. With our family first approach we want to ensure that as a community we can all safely enjoy and fully utilise the opportunities the online world provides us. We all have a responsibility to be digital citizens and ensure we are using the internet in an appropriate manner. This initiative will educate and assist parents and their children to have discussions surrounding some of the most common internet trends.

If you have any specific requests or want to support this important initiative then please contact Steve:  s.farish[email protected]

General Guidelines and Tips:

Henry Platten - CEO of GoBubble and eCadets Ltd talks about the importance of e-safety 

Safe social media for young students
View video 

GEMS CyberSecurity Guide for Parents 

Top Tips - Parent and Student handout 

Student Tips and Advice:


Layan  talks about the importance of online safety - view video

Zach talks top tips for online safety - view video

Anastacia - the role of ECadets - view video

Layan talks about cyber bullying - view video


Faisal - talks about being honest and kind online - view video

Ghadya - talks about eSafety - view video

ESafety Laws and Regulations: 

An overview of the ESafety Law in the UAE

Defamation rules and laws: 

UAE Defamation laws

UAE - Fake News 

Our students talk about the law, and the importance of staying legal online:

English version - view video 

Arabic version - view video 

Malak and Raj talk about cyber crime and fake news - view video


More To Explore

Next Steps