FirstPoint School is an inclusive school and our commitment to inclusion is an essential part of what makes our school a distinctive, progressive, and unique community. Real and meaningful inclusion is ensuring that every student, regardless of their abilities, background, or differences, is valued and provided with equal opportunities to learn and participate in all aspects of school life. We go above and beyond to foster positive and collaborative relationships with families and embrace the idea of creating a supportive and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. Promoting empathy, understanding, and respect among students, staff, and the wider school community is a pivotal part of our ethos at FirstPoint School.
FirstPoint School actively promotes the principle of equity for students of determination as required by standard 2 of the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework (2017). The school ensures that students are not refused admission based only on their experience of SEND and that such students will receive ‘sibling priority’ when applying for admission. The school guarantees that students of determination will receive a quality education across all phases in age-appropriate common learning environments.
There are many children at FirstPoint School with specifically diagnosed learning difficulties who learn amongst their peers with additional learning support. Supporting children and families on their unique learning journey with individualised assessments, provision and holistic care is a fundamental part of our approach to inclusion. We follow the graduated approach in identifying special educational needs to ensure all children have the best possible provision available to them tailored to their specific needs. The inclusion team works alongside teaching staff providing expertise and support both in the classroom and on the playground so that all children experience success throughout their school day. We pride ourselves on working collaboratively with external and internal professionals and therapists, ensuring all stakeholders working alongside students are working towards a consistent and collective set of targets and goals. As a school we believe that by working alongside those with significant learning challenges, all our students have the opportunity to develop the values of thoughtfulness and compassion which will shape them into future citizens we can all be proud of.
Please share full details of any special educational needs, individual education plans (IEPs) and any Educational Psychologist, Paediatric, or other specialist reports (e.g., Speech and Language or Occupational Therapy) if completed. Sharing educational history with FirstPoint School prior to a place being offered is essential so that staff can ensure an appropriate assessment of educational need, educational plan and resourcing is in place. Admission is not conditional on the submission of a medical diagnosis, and we have effective transition processes in place for all children.