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2023-2024 DSIB Inspection

“Effective and inspiring senior leaders have established a purposeful learning community. They foster a caring environment which values inclusivity and wellbeing.”
“A wide range of curricular and extra-curricular programmes supports students’ wellbeing.”

At GEMS FirstPoint School we put Wellbeing first. We are committed to ensuring our students feel a strong sense of belonging within our community and are valued as individuals. We ensure our staff act as emotionally available adults who are here to support our students and enable them to thrive.

Positive Psychology 
GEMS FirstPoint School recognises the importance of Martin Seligman’s, 2011, Positive Psychology approach. We aim to ensure our students flourish in all that they do. 

The GEMS FirstPoint School Positive Education Approach
Martin Seligman asks what it is that enables us to cultivate talents, to build deep, lasting relationships, to feel pleasure, and to contribute meaningfully to the world. In a word, what is it that allows us to flourish? 
Seligman identifies 6 key areas of wellbeing: 
1. Positive emotions 
2. Engagement 
3. Relationships 
4. Meaning 
5. Achievements 

The GEMS FirstPoint Flourishing Formula is outlined in the table below

  For Students 
 Positive emotions   
  • Happiness Wall and ‘Random acts of Kindness’ Wellbeing Tree
  • Daily Positive Conversations (What went well? Why?)
  • Wellbeing Curriculum as part of Moral, Social, Cultural Studies
  • Mental Health First Aid trained staff
  • Outdoor mindfulness and peaceful spaces
  • Wellbeing Warriors providing peer support
  • School Counselor Support
  • A culture of celebration through weekly assemblies
  • Assemblies with a consistent Wellbeing theme threaded throughout
  • Leuven Scales & PASS survey analysis and responses
  • Play leaders
  • Rich and varied co-curricular programme affording students wide opportunities for “flow”.
  • Strengths identification and development through scholarship/Higher Performance Learning Programmes.
  • School House System competitions and events
  • Happiness & Wellbeing council


(The FPS Family)

  • A sense of belonging, through sports teams & clubs
  • Whole School House System – Air Falcons, Earth Leopards, Fire Foxes and Water Sharks
  • School community events (Picnic on the green etc)
  • Student community groups
  • Coffee mornings / parent engagement sessions
  • The GEMS FirstPoint School Vision, Mission, Values – ‘Find Personal Success’ which guides our actions and aspirations
  • Values & Aims of the school
  • Opportunities for charity and supporting local community
  • The ‘end goal’ – University Placements, Internships, Careers Duke of Edinburgh & Mini Dukes Awards
  • The GEMS FirstPoint School Vision, Mission, Values – ‘Find Personal Success’ which guides our actions and aspirations
  • Values & Aims of the school
  • Opportunities for charity and supporting local community
  • The ‘end goal’ – University Placements, Internships, Careers Duke of Edinburgh & Mini Dukes Awards
  • Wide range of PE lessons with swimming as a key strength as well as active learning such as Desert School
  • High quality medical facilities and staff
  • Care plans where required
  • Wellbeing Room and School Wellbeing Support and Counselor 
  • Student wellbeing surveys & actions
  • Wellbeing intervention plans (barrier plans) where required


Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools

We are delighted to confirm that following accreditation, GEMS FirstPoint School has been awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ‘School Mental Health Award’ – Silver Status.


To view the Student Wellbeing Policy, click here.

To view the Staff Wellbeing Policy, click here.


More to read

Recent blog post for Global Schools Alliance from our Director of Wellbeing,  click here.



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