Key Stage Four at FPS

Key Stage 4 Mini-School

We inspire our senior students by providing them with skills and opportunities that will enable them to operate in an ever-changing world successfully. Skills such as how to communicate, collaborate, innovate and think critically are taught to our students in preparation for Higher Education and the world of work. We provide opportunities that include work placements, University seminars and workshops, Industry-specific qualifications and character shaping trips and visits as we believe that this will add value and help develop our students further...

Rhys Headley

Head of Mini-School Key Stage 4

Meet The Head of Mini-School Key Stage 4

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and give you a warm welcome to the Key Stage 4 Mini School. I am the Headteacher for the Key Stage 4 Mini School and am extremely excited about working with your children...

Explore the Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Our curriculum focuses on several different areas below


Explore All Our Curriculums

  • fs

    FS and KS1

    Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1

  • ks2

    Key Stage 2

    Development of leadership qualities and skills will be...

  • ks3

    Key Stage 3

    The KS3 mini school builds robust learners who constantly view...

  • ks4

    Key Stage 4

    We inspire our senior students by providing them with skills...

  • ks5

    Key Stage 5

    Our aim is to provide the support that prepares you...

Next Steps