nursery at FPS
Welcome to Nursery
Welcome to our nursery at GEMS FirstPoint School, where we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and safe environment for your child's earliest years. Nestled in a beautiful natural setting, our nursery offers a serene backdrop for exploration and discovery.
Our team of British-trained teachers bring a wealth of experience and expertise to guide your child's learning journey. With a passion for education and a deep love for fostering curiosity and discovery, our teachers create an environment where every child feels valued and supported.
We believe in cultivating a love for learning from the very beginning. Through engaging activities and hands-on experiences, we encourage children to explore their interests and develop a sense of wonder about the world around them.
Communication is key to our approach. We value open and transparent communication with parents, ensuring that you are always informed about your child's progress, milestones, and daily experiences. We welcome your input and collaboration as we work together to support your child's growth and development.
At our nursery, we strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where your child feels safe, loved, and inspired to learn.

Claire Nami
Head of Nursery
About GEMS FirstPoint School Nursery
The beautiful purpose-built Nursery at GEMS FirstPoint School is securely nestled in our Outstanding Foundation Stage department. We aim that our children learn to become resilient, excited and independent learners through the support of high-quality staff and exciting learning opportunities. Our youngest students are immersed in a safe environment with a ‘home from home’ feel where they can take risks, problem solve and think critically on a daily basis.
By incorporating the Reggio Emilia philosophy which focuses on inquiry based and collaborative learning the children are encouraged to be decision makers and learn to be confident in the choices they make even from a young age.
The passionate and highly skilled teachers in the nursery team allow for child centered learning in a calm and nurturing environment resulting in our children being well rounded, confident and happy learners.
Welcome to Foundation Stage
Explore the Foundation Stage
Students in the Foundation Stage are introduced to Arabic language and dedicated lessons delivered by Arabic specialists take place from FS2.
The Key Areas of Learning and Development Covered At This Stage
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Foundation Stage FAQs
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Enterprise
- Social Studies
- Moral Education
- Thematic Curriculum
which is a project-based approach to learning that encompasses History, Geography and Visual and Performing Arts.
- Personal, Social and Health Education
When does the school day start and end?
The school day starts at 7:30am for all students. The school gates open at 7:15am with all students expected to be in class by 7:28am. Registration takes place from 7:30am – 7:50am, focusing on key skills and morning routines. Students in Year 1 – 6 finish at 3pm. On Fridays, all students finish school at 12:00pm. Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) take place after school Monday – Thursday from 3:10pm – 4:10pm. Please visit our ECA page for further information.
Do I need to provide lunch for my child?
Depending on their year group, students have various options for snack and lunch. Nursery to Year 2 students can either bring their own snack and lunch or pre-order from our catering company, Slices. Students in Year 4 and above can choose these options or purchase food from our canteen using their Student ID card, which parents top up.
Do you offer a bus service?
Students from Nursery have access to the School Transport Service. Foundation Stage bus services arrive in time for the start of the school day and leave campus at either 12:00pm or 3pm. On Fridays all bus services leave at 12pm. Our Teaching Assistants and Bus Conductors accompany children to and from the bus daily, ensuring there is always an adult-to-adult handover. CCTV, GPS tracking, live updates and ‘sleeping child’ checks are some of the key safety features on board our STS buses.
What are the class sizes in Nursery?
Class Capacity is 18 students
How many adults are in each classroom
Our small class sizes ensure that all children experience personalised learning to enable them to flourish in their learning. There is one Teacher and one Teaching Assistant in every class from FS1 to Year 4. In Years 5 and 6, there is one Teacher and a Teaching Assistant shared between two classes. For our younger students, our Teaching Assistants accompany students to their specialist lessons with specialist teachers.
How are parents updated on their child’s progress?
At GEMS FirstPoint School we have an open-door policy so you can speak to your child’s class teacher at pick up and drop off, you have their direct email address, and arrange a face to face meeting or request a phone call within school hours. We also use an online learning journey, Arc Pathways, which is a way to share photographs and videos as well as a clear and concise assessment tracking tool for full transparency of your children progress and development across the seven areas of the EYFS curriculum. We encourage parents to add to this too so we can see achievements from home as well to get a complete insight into your child’s development and application of skills. We share a report termly and also offer parent meetings each term to discuss your child’s learning and progress.
Do I receive a report of my child's progress?
Yes, following the termly assessment weeks, you will receive three reports throughout the year. In Term 1 and 2, you will receive a data report outlining key targets for the upcoming term. Then, in Term 3, you will receive a comprehensive end of year written report, detailing your child's academic progress for the current year and setting targets for the following year. All reports can be accessed conveniently through the GEMSCONNECT app.