Key Stage Three at FPS
Key Stage 3
KS3 builds robust learners who constantly view challenge as an opportunity to grow. The key priorities of happiness, wellbeing and academic excellence are consistently promoted through the holistic development programme. The pastoral leaders work with passion, professionalism and determination to ensure all learners understand what is expected of them and are prepared for every step of their individualised learning journey.
Laura Nulty
Assistant Principal
Key Stage 3
Meet The Head of Key Stage 3
I would like to offer you all a very warm welcome to Key Stage 3...
Explore the Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Our curriculum focuses on several different areas below
Year 7 Overview
Year 7 will be structured to focus on transition to secondary school. This will include the development of specific friendship and communication skills. Parental involvement and communication will be key to this year group to ensure we work together to get the very best from each child.
Year 8 Overview
This year will focus on personal skills and relationships. It will also be a year when academic success will expand further and this will be monitored with positive intervention to ensure that pupils achieve their maximum attainment levels.
Year 9 Overview
This year will focus on developing skills and understanding the choices for GCSE and alternative pathways. Pupils will be encouraged to develop independent skills in order to make informed decisions about their future.
Extra Curricular Activities
Information & Technology
Creative Arts
Science & Maths
Textiles Drama, Prop & Set Design for Production* Sustainability Table Tennis Arabic Stories Chess/Strategy game club Ready, Steady Cook! (Y7) FPS Marvels Fitness and Circuit Training Arabic Calligraphy Marvellous Models & Mechanics Film Club Cross Country World Cinema Club Science Buzz Swim Squad* Arabic C Reading Club Kenken/Number Puzzle Club U12 & U14 Girls Football Squads* Arabic C Reading Club U12 & U14 Boys Football Squads* Qur'an Recitation & Memorisation Mandarin Chinese *Invite Only -
Heads of Departments Contacts
For any subject specific queries please contact your child's subject teacher. You can access the Heads of Department email addresses below.
English: [email protected]
Maths: [email protected]
Science: [email protected]
Modern Languages: [email protected]
Art: [email protected]
Physical Education: [email protected]
Business & Economics: [email protected]
Computing: [email protected]
DT/Textiles/Food: [email protected]
Arabic A: [email protected]
Arabic B: [email protected]
Islamic: [email protected]
Drama: [email protected]
Music: [email protected]
Humanities (Geography/History): [email protected]
Psychology: [email protected]
Moral Education & Social Studies: [email protected]
Resources and Downloads