Digital Centre of Excellence
We are proud to be the GEMS Centre of Excellence for Digital Futures, enabling us to prepare learners for a future that reflects their highest aspirations.
As part of our approach to education, our aim is to equip students with the skills and abilities to achieve their potential in a digital 21st century environment. The school is focused on becoming the best in that field, home to the highest level of expertise and resources for students, and able to take advantage of the partnerships with industry that the school has built.
FPS has the privilege of being the first school to reap the rewards of a new partnership between GEMS Education and Siemens. Officially launched towards the end of June 2019, the collaboration adds value to the transfer of knowledge and expertise to students, while also increasing and enhancing the sustainability aspects within FPS and GEMS Education, and promoting digitalisation.
The GEMS-Siemens partnership also builds on Rahhal, an initiative of Dubai’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). Rahhal encourages schools to think outside-the-box and develop innovative learning opportunities that benefit students.
In addition, the school is very focused on equipping all students from Fs to Year 13, with career and digital skills, and children start coding from an early age in the primary school. Career-based links permeate throughout the school, and the school run a full school career programme on a regular basis, to instill life and work skills into students from an early age.
IBM Course
As part of our Digital Centre of Excellence, Year 9 students have access to industry recognised courses developed by IBM including a variety of pathways for current and future skills development and emerging technologies. On completion the students are accredited with IBM digital badges which are recognised by IBM and other organisations globally. The badges can be used to apply for the relevant employment opportunities once the students reach a suitable age.
Explorer, Innovator and New Collar pathways are designed for various levels of experts and just the Explorer pathway include courses such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Data Science and Analytics , Cyber Security and Quantum Computing. Along with the learning materials the case studies used are real-world examples, enabling students to relate their understanding and applying it to how organisations solve problems. There is also a careers section where the badges gained are linked to types of careers and if there are any openings available. The opportunity to relate their education and skill development to the professional expectations will benefit our students in their personal growth and planning their future goals and aspirations.