Nicole Smyth
Year 13 Leader
I am originally from a small coastal town in Northern Ireland where my early interest in teaching began through sports coaching, summer schemes and involvement with a variety of youth schemes.
I spent 4 years studying Business Management at Queens University Belfast before completing my PGCE in Secondary Education with Outstanding. Having undertaken a variety of roles in education both in Northern Ireland and the England since 2017, I have thoroughly enjoyed the transition to teaching in Dubai in recent years. I have particularly enjoyed my most recent role as Head of Year in the Senior School. I am once again thrilled to be supporting and working with the students of Year 13 as they come to the end of their KS5 journey.
I am passionate about providing all students with a positive and unforgettable school experience. I enjoy celebrating student achievements and strives to maintain high levels of motivation both inside and outside of the classroom. My vision for Year 13 this year is to, “create a group of self-believers who are resilient and adaptive to any situation”, as I believe strongly in developing students both academically and pastorally.
During my spare time I enjoy participating in variety of sports and travelling to new places. I particularly enjoys challenging myself through CrossFit workouts and spending time dusting the cobwebs off the guitar.
Finally, I am thrilled to welcome all new and retuning students to Year 13 and look forward to getting to know both parents and students on an individual basis.